This season (2010), with a little more space, time, knowledge, and better conditions, I'm attempting to grow more vegetables and herbs. I'm growing tomatoes (Brandywine, Carolina Gold, Better Bush), bush beans, cucumbers, squash, leaf lettuce, corn (sweet yellow), watermelon (sugar baby), strawberries (everbearing), broccoli, carrots, and the following herbs: parsley, oregano, mint, rosemary, stevia, thyme, bee balm, basil. I've also planted sunflowers, marigold, zinnia, and some wildflowers, mainly to practice some companion planting techniques/ideas, to attract bees, butterflies and hummingbirds, and for color.
Here is a view of my back porch container garden, along with a makeshift raised bed. I've read some books and have done some research online, but I have no idea what I'm doing. So, I'm considering this a rather large experiment in becoming more self-sufficient.

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